The offline printer is a real hassle that several reasons can cause. With these simple tips, you can get back to printing immediately and without worries.
Failing to print a document because the printer connected to our computer is offline is always a big hassle. Perhaps instead, it is a printer that we do not remember from whom and when it was the last time, and that does not want to know to connect. It doesn’t matter. However, windows 10 Printer offline Brother are a waste of time and frustration.
What causes the Brother printer to disconnect?
There are several reasons to see Brother printers sometimes go offline. Reasons for the Brother printer to disconnect prematurely include, but are not limited to:
Static IP-The port assigned to the printer is not static. For dynamic ports, the IP may change and may not match the information stored on your computer.
Antivirus programme –Antivirus programme software is known to cause offline printer problems when it blocks printer actions due to false positives.
Driver Issues: The drivers installed on your Brother printer may not work properly, causing the printer to disconnect multiple times.
Using the printer offline: Windows has the ability to use the printer offline. If you select this option, the printer can be offline and start spooling instead of printing the document.
Offline printer? Let’s check the network!
But what to do if, on the other hand, there is no check or if the printer does not want to start again? No problem: we still have several arrows in our bow. At this point, click again with the right mouse button on the printer icon inside the control panel and then click on “Troubleshooting.” This function will check the settings that need to be renewed and will automatically fix any problems that may still be present in the printer control panel.
If, even after this step, the printer continues to remain offline, then the next step is to check the status of our network. We need to click on the icon that distinguishes access to the network, present at the bottom right of the windows bar. Inside the window that opens, we have to look in the menu on the left were to change the “Sharing settings.”
This check is beneficial if you have recently intervened on the network or connection you are using. Once the window showing the sharing options is open. It is essential to the items “Enable network discovery” and “Enable file and printer sharing” are selected. These settings are necessary for the PC to locate and use the printer connected to the network.
Advanced options
Before finally deciding to uninstall and reinstall the printer to reset the settings, one last check needs to be complete. This is customized automatically when you install the printer. But things may go out of place, mainly due to other interventions on the PC. So this is a step to check if the printer connection problem has not been solved.
To start, we have to type “services” in the search bar in the “Windows Start” menu. We will access the panel where all the computer services functions are present by clicking on the corresponding search result. Here we scroll down to find the “Print Spooler” item and then click to open the dialogue box. It is important to verify the print spooler is set to “Automatic” and that the “Start” key is pressed.
Finally, the last step that we can take independently if we have not obtained a positive result is to uninstall the printer to install it again.
In this case, we can choose to make the first attempt by uninstalling the printer, but not its drivers.
To make sure you perform the new installation correctly. It may be helpful to look at the advice on this that we have already collected in our article.
Setting up the printer: how to do it quickly and easily. Here, by proceeding step by step, we have thus focused on the problem of the offline printer, and without the need to become specialized technicians. We have been able to see where to quickly put our hands to solve all main problems that may arise.
Troubleshoot network Windows offline printer problem
If you have an offline network printer that doesn’t print. You may be able to fix Windows offline printer issue quickly. The error is often related to the SNMP network protocol ( Simple Network Management Protocol ).
So to put the printer online, all you have to do is disable it.
But first, you should check that the Windows offline printer is not on Pause. You can do this by opening the print queue, choosing the Printer option. And seeing the Use printer offline option is enabled. If it is enabled, turn it off to resume printing.
Also Read: How to Turn Your Brother Printer from Offline to Online?